New Recruits
Simon's Sharpshooter's Code of conduct
You are now representing the 7th South Carolina, so:
Racist or Sexist comments will not be tolerated.
Name calling or derogatory remarks aimed at opponents in discord or in game will be cause for disciplinary action.
Resist the urge to post inflammatory remarks in discord or in game chat.
Treat all others as you would have them treat you, especially when representing the 7th South Carolina.
Follow rank hierarchy in War of Rights and Drill Camp.
Be cordial and professional when dealing with other regiments and individuals, friend or foe.
Minimum Requirements
18 Years of Age
Join Discord
32 Points on Range Qualification
Respond to status requests in discord # daily-check-in
(ie. indicate if you are available, unavailable, maybe to attend games or events. You are not required to participate in all events, simply respond with your status. This allows for playing.)
Once you join discord, you will have full access to regimental files and documents.